Our Vision: “To be a welcoming community that confesses Jesus is the Christ, Son of the living God and to proclaim Him Lord and Savior of the World”

Our Mission
“To make disciples for Christ dedicated to making a difference in the world”
–Matthew 28:19
Our Values
Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior
We are bring led by the Holy Spirit
Prayer is an essential part of our lives
We are committed to communicating the Bible as the Word of God
We love and support our entire community
We are disciples of God and are called to share our faith with all people
We encourage everyone to use their spiritual gifts to the glory of God
Service Times
Please join us for our Morning Service!
Our Sunday fellowship starts at 9:00 am with a casual fellowship that
includes food and great conversation.
The service starts at 9:30
Please stay after for Adult Sunday School starting immediately after the morning Service!
Join us In Person and Online.

Pastor Charlie Mays and wife, Christine
10:30am Bible Study- in person only
6:10 PM WEDNESDAY BIBLE STUDY – In Person and Online
OFFICE HOURS: Monday – Thursday 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Winfield United Methodist church
Physical Address:
20 Radwin Drive
Winfield, WV 25213
Mailing Address:
PO Box 391
Winfield, WV 25213
Church Office Phone: