Applications for next year are now being accepted!
Winfield Preschool offers a faith based preschool program with daily prayer.
We have 2 classes available for children ages 4-5 years old. We have a 3-day program on Monday/Wednesday/Friday mornings (9am-11:30am) or a 3-day program on Monday/Wednesday/Friday afternoon (12:30pm-3pm). Tuition is $160/month, due the first day of each month.
We also have a class for 3-4 year olds. It is a 2-day program on Tuesday/Thursday from 9-11:30am. Tuition is $125/month due on the first day of each month.
There is a $50 registration fee, due at the time of application, to hold the spot in the class for the child.
Our classes have monthly themes based on the season and/or holidays, the children go over 3 letters and 1 number, 1 color and 1 shape monthly.
Our program is set up in 25 min blocks.
Block 1: Table Toys which focuses on fine motor skills (puzzles, play-doh, blocks, etc)
Block 2: Learning time; Calendar, days and months of the year, weather, colors, shapes, letter or number of the week. The children do 1-2 papers focusing on colors, shapes, letters or numbers, practice fine motor-skills such as holding pencils, coloring inside the lines, etc. We try to incorporate crafts, science projects and more to tie in the themes of the month.
Block 3: Snack time with prayer; snacks are provided by the program.
Block 4: Music and game time; Games focus on fine motor skills (balls, toss, etc), and recognition (alphabet games, etc).
End of Day – story time and summarize the day’s activities.
Please call the church for more information at 304-586-3795
Now they were bringing even infants to him that he might touch them. And when the disciples saw it, they rebuked them. But Jesus called them to him, saying, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.”
(Luke 18:15-17 ESV)